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Wisdom isn't age--it's common sense, understanding and compassion mixed with experience.

Aren't sure who to vote for?

Are you getting into political discussions? Use this webpage.

Scroll down to quickly learn the difference between Vice President Kamala Harris and former Pres. Donald Trump by issue area. For example, when someone says, Trump would be better for immigration, you say, "No, that's not true. He urged Republicans to kill the bipartisan border bill, so he could run on the issue."  Read on.


The 2024 presidential election is about who represents you and your values--like a woman's right to choose, gay rights, preserving Social Security, and affordable health care--and what  happens when those are gone.  

Vote! And, get your friends and family to vote.



Fourth of July_edited_edited.png

Did you know?
The Pres./VP:

  • Capped the price of insulin at $35 for those on Medicare (Inflation Reduction Act). Americans no longer have to risk their lives cutting their insulin dose to save money.


  • It gets better: August 2024, the White House announced that "Taxpayers are expected to save billions after the Biden administration inked deals with pharmaceutical companies to knock down the list prices for 10 of Medicare’s costliest drugs. 'As vice president, I was proud to cast the tie-breaking vote that gave Medicare the power to negotiate,' Harris said.'" (PBS News, 8/15/2024; )


  • Signed an executive order to protect abortion and contraception. This is critical since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade.


  • Approved student financial aid debt relief that would have helped approximately 20 million borrowers. On 6/25 it was BLOCKED by a lower court after being sued by Republican-led states; the hold was maintained by the Supreme Court on 8/28/2024. The fight goes on. (


  • "[Have] taken more climate action than any other [president] in history," according to the Center for American Progress. (3/6/2024)


  • Set the record for lowest poverty rate for Black individuals (17.1% in 2022, the last year available, CNN).


  • Signed the CHIPS Act bringing chip manufacturing back to the US (correcting vulnerabilities from overseas manufacturing).


  • Championed the Infrastructure bill, which repairs roadways and more than 45,000 bridges in poor condition, reinvests in public transit and promotes clean energy.



Tell People.


Learn more about VP/Presidential accomplishments and issue areas below.


What Can You Do?

  • Talk about Democratic successes.

  • According to Navigator Research, "6% of Americans overall shift toward approving of the president [VP] after reading about accomplishments."

  • Look at Trump's record. Sad.

  • If you can, donate or volunteer.

  • Vote.

MAGA Believers:


​Believe that climate change is a hoax, abortion should be banned and affordable healthcare and gun control are wrong.

Trump Withdrew the USA:

  • From the Paris Climate Accords (2017)

  • From the Iran Nuclear Deal (2018)

These actions put the US closer to disaster.

Affordable health use really






​"Across our world, communities are choked by drought, washed out by floods, and decimated by hurricanes. Wildfire smoke darkens our skies, and rising seas threaten the lives and livelihoods of millions of people. The urgency of this moment is clear. The clock is no longer just ticking, it is banging." (Harris)

 The"Inflation Reduction Act has been called the biggest investment in climate change mitigation in history."











Won't protect the environment


"I don't believe it,” Trump answered when told unchecked global warming would wreak havoc on the US economy.


"We will drill, baby, drill." (Trump's 2024 Republican nomination acceptance speech)
















Pro-gun control


“Prayers are fine. They’re important... but it’s not going to stop it." “You have to take action.”​​​ (Biden)


The current administration created the Office of Gun Violence Prevention.


"Policymakers don’t have to choose between Second Amendment rights and taking all guns away." (Harris)












Against any gun control


"Every single Biden attack on gun owners and manufacturers will be terminated my very first week back in office, perhaps my first day"


On 6/14/2024, the Supreme Court struck down the federal ban on bump stocks. Trump's 3 appointees voted to end the ban. The Las Vegas shooter killed 60 people in 2017 using bump stocks.





Sensible Gun Control







"We will stop Donald Trump's extreme abortion ban because we trust women to make decisions about their own bodies." (Harris)​














​"For 54 years they were trying to get Roe v. Wade terminated, and I did it and I'm proud to have done it," Trump said.


His 3 Supreme Court picks determined the outcome. Just think what damage he will do with more picks.





ABC News January 24, 2024





Ready to sign border bill


​The president was to to sign a comprehensive Congressional bipartisan border bill.


BUT Trump stopped it. Trump told Republicans in Congress to block it. Why? Because he said it was bad for him politically. 


​The BIden-Harris administration's new program helps families stay together by offering a path to citizenship for spouses of US citizens. "Spouses must have lived in the US continuously for 10 years as of June 17, 2024, and been married by then. They estimates 500,000 spouses and 50,000 stepchildren will benefit."







Rejected a bipartisan border bill.

Said Biden would look too good.


​Trump put ego over country. That is not patriotism.


Also, under Trump, an estimated 2700 children were separated from their parents at the border.


Trump quotes Hitler, "Immigrants are “poisoning the blood of our country.”













Strengthened the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), increasing funding to $700 million


​"In far too many places around the world, the rights of women and girls are still under attack, holding back entire communities." (Biden backed by Harris)








Convicted of sexual abuse



“It doesn’t really matter what [the media] write as long as you’ve got a young and beautiful piece of ass.” Trump said in an interview with Esquire Magazine in 1991.


Republicans believe that cat loving childless women should have no stake in the US future. (Vance backed by Trump)




On Women

Israel - Gaza

LGBTQ+ USE really



Trump's policies worsened Mideast tensions.

Shows no empathy toward suffering civilians in  Gaza.​


​Trump's disastrous plan was to "allow Israel to annex all of its settlements and large parts of the occupied West Bank."


As president, "Trump has cut off aid to the Palestinians, recognized contested Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, dropped the longstanding U.S. opposition to Israeli settlements..."


As a result, "President Mahmoud Abbas officially cut all ties to Israel and the U.S. and said the Palestinians would no longer be bound by any past agreements."


"Aaron David Miller, a veteran American peace negotiator, said anyone hoping to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict 'would not have behaved the way this [Trump] administration has behaved for the last 4 years.'”​


Trump: “They’re [Israel] releasing the most heinous, most horrible tapes of buildings falling down. And people are imagining there’s a lot of people in those buildings, or people in those buildings, and they don’t like it,” he added. “They’re [Israel] losing the PR war. They’re losing it big. But they’ve got to finish what they started, and they’ve got to finish it fast, and we have to get on with life.”





New York Times, October 16, 2023

Feb 6 2020:








Trying to thread a needle between compassion for Palestinian citizens and backing an ally (Israel). Horrific situation.

Lacks Trump's inflammatory extremism.


"Vice President Kamala Harris met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in private Thursday and followed it with a strikingly forceful call on his government to get a cease-fire deal done and ease the suffering of civilians in Gaza."


"We're working around the clock, my secretary of state, to prevent a wider war and reunite hostages with their families, and surge humanitarian health and food assistance into Gaza now to end the civilian suffering of the Palestinian people and finally, finally, finally deliver a ceasefire and end this war," (Biden at the DNC 2024)


"Those protesters out in the street, they have a point. A lot of innocent people are being killed on both sides." (Biden at the DNC 2024)







Restored and expanded protections


"Harris has demonstrated a long-standing commitment to LGBTQ+ rights."


"In 2004, on Valentine’s Day weekend, I was one of the first elected officials in the country to perform same-sex marriages.” (Harris)

"President Joe Biden announced Wednesday that he has pardoned U.S. veterans who were convicted by the military under a regulation that allowed people to be kicked out for being gay." (6/26/24)

Department of Health and Human Services is "barring health providers and insurers receiving federal funding from discriminating against those seeking care on the basis of gender identity or sexual orientation." (04/27/2024) A US judge blocked this.











Will take away protections


"Trump has promised that, if reelected, his administration will rescind federal policies that prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity, and will assert that federal civil rights laws don’t cover anti-LGBTQ discrimination." This would affect housing, medical care, who can serve in the military and more. â€‹




























Would encourage Russia to attack NATO member countries behind in dues


​"I would encourage them (Russia) to do whatever the hell they want. You gotta pay," Trump said.​​​







Supports Ukraine

"Biden [and Harris] can point to the Western response to Russia's war against Ukraine as a solid achievement: The US has rallied the world against Moscow..."


Harris is firmly committed to Ukraine.







Build the

Middle Class



​But first:

"When Joe Biden took office, America’s unemployment rate sat at 6.4 percent. By the end of his first year in the White House, it had fallen to 3.9 percent, roughly equal to its pre-pandemic level." This has been described as "EXTRAORDINARY."

  • "Real wages rose sharply for young workers, especially in low-wage sectors."

  • Consequently fast food prices increased

  • The stock market surged." 


And if anyone asks, the US had a "much stronger rate of economic growth than the EU."


"Vice President Kamala Harris is pledging not to raise taxes on anyone making under $400,000 a year if elected in November."


“We believe in a future where every person has the opportunity to build a business, to own a home, to build intergenerational wealth — a future with affordable health care, affordable child care, paid leave.” (Harris)


“Building up the middle class will be a defining goal of my presidency.” (Harris)

"He [Trump] intends to give tax breaks to billionaires and big corporations and make working families foot the bill,” Harris said.










Didn't deliver the economy he promised

His deficits surged


“...His tax cuts never delivered the promised growth. His budget deficits surged..."

Much of what Trump said he would do if reelected would benefit the rich. This includes:

He lowered the corporate tax rate while in office and plans to lower it again from 21% to 15% if reelected. (This is different than the CAMT that Democrats discuss.) Rich companies would pay less in taxes.

"Trump floated the possibility of replacing the income tax with a universal tariff. He offered no other specifics, but in principle, the idea would pose a major disruption to the U.S. economy while bolstering the wealth of the richest Americans."


Trump's plan to impose tariffs has been panned by economists: “It’s one of those magical economic proposals that can actually cause inflation and put you into a recession – at the same time,” David Kelly, chief global strategist at JPMorgan Asset Management, told CNN in a phone interview." (


Kelly added that Trump's policy is juvenile. “It’s a two-year-old’s mentality: You punch someone in the nose and expect them not to punch you back.”








S {i think all the trump future stuff is from here, but may also be from on e below

​ May 20, 2024



Social Security and Medicare


A Word About Social Security and Medicare


Trump said he is open to cuts. In the past, he has called Social Security a Ponzi scheme, called to increase the retirement age to increase to 70 and considered privatizing Social Security.


Democrats have vowed not to cut benefits and are looking at increasing taxes on wealthy individuals among other ways to pay for it. The President plainly said there would be no cuts on his watch.


It's been said that Social Security is on the ballet this November.




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